What is BWRT?
‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI.
Terence Watts had over 35,000 hours of experience in 30 years as a therapist. He is the founder of the Essex Institute of Hypnotherapy, and author of many best selling therapy books.
As a therapist, he became frustrated that some issues took so long to improve, and he began his search for a therapy that would help his clients more effectively.
In 2000, he started teaching the therapy model Warriors, Settlers and Nomads which was based on his best selling book. Later, he went on to develop BWRT, which has been taught since 2013 to therapists, psychologists and medical professionals worldwide.
The success in BWRT lies in it's ability to create a different neural pathway response before you react to something ie. a different mental reaction in the client.
Unlike many therapies, past experiences which are painful to discuss can be treated without having to revealing any personal details. Clients are fully concious for the whole process, and the therapy aims to resolve issues quick.
Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. Find out more at http://www.bwrt.org
"Many ‘symptoms’ are the result of a behaviour or thought pattern ‘firing up’ that has been activated before. It might actually have been suitable or effective at one time but the fact that it isn’t now is of no consequence to the non-reasoning part of the brain. BWRT makes it possible, via a simple technique, to create a new response pattern to any stimulus so that the action the brain triggers is one that we want."
-Terence Watts
It's time to start living the life you want...
Level 1 BWRT can deal with the following issues:
Panic Attacks
Exam nerves
Imposter Syndrome
Success Inhibition
Financial Issues
Relationship Issues
Past Trauma
Social Anxiety
Goal Setting
And more...